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LGB question belongs on youth-risk survey

The Herald Journal - 2017/6/6

To the editor:

The decision of Cache County School District (CCSD) to refuse to include a question about sexual orientation on a nationally recognized youth risk behavior survey precludes a better understanding of LGB students’ and other young people’s heightened risk for suicide, depression, and other mental health challenges.

As a developmental psychologist, taxpayer, parent, and grandparent I have sought to understand the reason for CCSD’s refusal.

Re a Logan Herald Journal article of 5.6.2017 (“Psychologist addresses CCSD…”, p. A1), I now see the rationale for the CCSD’s superintendent, Mr. Norton, being opposed to including a question about sexual orientation on the Youth Risk Behavior SurveyMr. Norton, “… hears from a group of parents that get upset at the questions (sic).” Mr. Norton, why don’t you advise these parents to refuse permission for their own child(ren) to complete the survey so that the mental health of the rest of the state’s youths is not jeopardized? And who are these parents? Are they acolytes of Gail Ruzicka and her fringe group, the Utah Eagle Forum? How many parents objected to the question? Is it possible some of these parent are unsure of (or ignorant of or in denial about) their own child’s sexual orientation?

You are quoted as saying that you, “…couldn’t figure out how a ‘percentage figure that gave us no names’ would better serve students.” (p. A6, LHJ, 5.6.2017). Did you not learn about the value of anonymous questionnaires during your academic training at BYU? Using your logic, why administer ANY of the questions? Have you conferred with your district’s school psychologists about the value of risk behavior surveys? What about consulting with faculty in USU’s stellar school psychology program?

Mr. Norton, you are quoted that when student risk surveys are administered, you, “…get beat up by the questions that go out…”. Surely, a public employee pulling down a quarter of a million dollars in taxpayer-funded compensation (salary plus benefits) can stand some heat. As the saying goes, if you can’t stand the heat…

I provided your Board with recent studies related to LGBT youths’ heightened risk for nonsuicidal self-injury (7 times more likely than sexual majority young people, i.e. heterosexuals), suicidal ideation (5 times more likely), suicide intent (nearly 8 times more likely) and suicide attempts (7 times more likely).

The Cache County School District website lists your vision statement and includes the following: “…we pledge to prioritize the students’ well-being (and) support a culture where students…feel appreciated and respected” ( Your behavior related to this issue and the complicity of your board in refusing to allow the aforementioned question in a youth risk survey fail dismally to support your own vision. Shame on you.

Frank Ascione
